There’s a dental treatment out there that can make even the toughest of the tough shudder in fear. We’re talking about the dreaded root canal. This dental procedure has gained such a terrible reputation over the years of being an incredibly painful, uncomfortable, and overall horrible thing. However, nothing could be farther from the truth, and your dentist in Panama City is here to set the record straight on just how beneficial (and painless!) a root canal can be.
Putting the Painful Perception to Rest
If you’ve been told that you need a root canal, you may be a little apprehensive, scared, or straight-up terrified. We understand because we know that many people have the perception that this dental treatment is painful. But quite the opposite is true. If you need a root canal, chances are you’re already in pain, and sometimes excruciating pain at that. That’s because there’s an infection so deep into your tooth that it’s reached your nerves. When this happens, your dentist in Panama City will typically recommend a root canal to remove the infection, stop the pain, and save your tooth. So you see, a root canal actually stops the pain instead of causing it.
5 Steps of a Root Canal
Our experience shows that sometimes, knowing what your dentist in Panama City is going to do will help alleviate fears. However, if you’re the opposite and you find that knowing the details of treatment just exacerbates fear, skip to the next section.
The five steps of a root canal are:
Signs You May Need a Root Canal
As we’ve already mentioned, tooth pain can be a sign that you need a root canal. However, it’s important to know that tooth pain does not always equate to a root canal. There are tons of things that can cause tooth pain, so check with your dentist in Panama City. Other signs that you may need a root canal include:
Any of these symptoms should be a sign that you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. If you happen to need a root canal, don’t panic. Relief is coming.
There’s a dental treatment out there that can make even the toughest of the tough shudder in fear. We’re talking about the dreaded root canal. This dental procedure has gained such a terrible reputation over the years of being an incredibly painful, uncomfortable, and overall horrible thing. However, nothing could… Read More…