
While all of the general and preventive services from Panhandle Dental Care are designed to protect your teeth and stop problems from developing, the most obvious way to prevent tooth damage is with a professionally-designed and created mouthguard. We offer two types of mouthguards – sports guards and bruxism guards.

Our sports mouthguards are the ideal way to protect your children from injury during any type of physical activity, from football to skateboarding. Unlike over-the-counter, boil-and-bite guards, our mouthguards are extra comfortable so kids will want to wear them and provide increased protection against oral damage and even concussions.

Bruxism guards are generally worn at night to protect your teeth from the damage and discomfort caused by clenching or grinding.

Both types of guards are made from molds of your teeth and are custom made by us in-house – allowing for a faster turn around time and a better fit. Why risk damage with inferior mouthguards? Talk to us about what mouthguards from Panhandle Dental can do for your family’s smiles.