3 Things You Should Do If Your Filling Falls Out

added on: June 29, 2021

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 90% of American adults have had at least one cavity in their lifetime. Most of the time, these cavities will be fixed with a filling from your dentist in Panama City. While dental fillings are tough restorations, there is a chance that they can fail or fall out. So what do you do if you lose a filling? 

Lose a Filling? Don’t Panic. 

If you lose a filling, don’t panic. Oftentimes it can be fixed quickly and easily by your dentist in Panama City. There are also several steps you can take prior to your appointment to help ease any discomfort and protect your teeth. 

1. Loose Fillings

First, let’s talk about what to do if your filling is loose but hasn’t yet fallen out on its own. If your filling comes loose, we always recommend removing it as soon as possible as long as you can do without tools. Loose fillings can wiggle out on their own, putting you at risk of swallowing choking. 

2. Schedule An Appointment, Take Precautions

As soon as you realize that you’ve lost a filling or that one is about to come out, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Panama City. Prior to your visit, there are few things you should do to protect your tooth from harmful bacteria settling into the crevice. 

  • Brush your teeth gently
  • Rinse your mouth with water
  • Use over-the-counter pain medication to ease discomfort
  • Be wary of temporary dental cement — it could make problems worse

3. Eat Wisely

We use our teeth every single day to help chew our foods, but if you lose a filling, this can be a bit difficult. Before you get your filling, make sure to steer clear of sticky, sugary foods that can get stuck in the old filling area. Also, be cautious with hot or cold foods as the area may be extra sensitive. 

Signs of a Lost Filling

Knowing the signs of a lost filling can help you seek treatment quickly. Some signs include: 

  • Feeling a hole in your tooth
  • Sensitivity
  • Food buildup in a tooth with a restoration
  • Crunching down on a hard particle while eating 

It’s always best to see your dentist as soon as you can if you lose a filling or think one is about to fall out. Early treatment is the best way to fix a filling before other problems have a chance to develop. Remember, these tips above are only suggestions for temporary relief and not a permanent solution. Schedule an appointment with your dentist in Panama City to get your tooth fixed properly. 

About The Author
Dr. William Ott

Dr. William Ott established Panhandle Dental Care six years after he received his Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. He has been in the dentistry field for over 24 years now, helping patients lead better and healthier lives. Dr. Ott's passion for science and the applied science of dentistry has driven him to pursue continuing education. This allows him to learn about the latest technology and techniques to offer varied treatment options to his patients.